
happy birthday+happy father's day=love between family..

20th june 2010..
it's my birthday && also father's day..
happy fathers day t0 my sweetheart, ab halim..
i l0ve y0u infinity..

&& happy father's day t0 my br0 in law, muhammad amiruddeen..

&& n0t t0 f0rget...
happy birthday aliah ruzanna.heheheh
that's me..yeah2..
i'm 20 already..
i want durian fr0m t0m0i.
really am..hmmmm

erm..yeah..had sho0 much fun with my family eventho my parents are not ar0und.sob2..
on my birthday, but just got a call from them.
wtever it is, my family is the best.
i l0ve y0u no matter what.
i'll always be there when y0u guys need me..


What a kiss means....actually read the whole thing cuz its nice

+Kiss on the stomach = Im ready
+Kiss on the Forehead ="i hope we're together forever"
+Kiss on the Ear = Your my everything
+Kiss on the Cheek = "We're friends"
+Kiss on the Hand = "I adore you"
+Kiss on the Neck = "we belong together"
+Kiss on the Shoulder = "I want you"
+Kiss on the Lips = I love you"

What the gesture means...
+Holding Hands = "we definitely love each other"
+Slap on the Butt = "That's mine"
+Holding on tight = "i don't want to let go"
+Looking into each other's Eyes = "i just plain love you"
+Playing with Hair = "Tell me you love me"
+Arms around the Waist = "I love you too much to let go"
+Laughing while Kissing = "I am completely comfortable with you"

+ Dont ask for a kiss, take one.
+If you were thinking about someone while reading this,
you're definitely in Love.

t0 wh0m it may c0ncern~

maXim...sangat rindu :-(


g0nna achieve it real so0n-----> berangan je.. dream h0use, bedr0om, bathr0om....
can any0ne build exactly like i want just f0r free?
0h yeah.. my birthday is just ar0und the c0rner.
perhaps, c0uld be a present f0r me?

it's all ab0ut y0u...

yeah...i admit..
this message do related t0 me.
this is s0o me!!

so0n n0 m0re teen f0r me :-(

for y0u--->mangk0k man 2..

hey y0u mangk0k man.thx for the 3 latest post.hoho..skg ni blog ko specifically fo me is it??nak jd cam best friend aku 2 ke??

oh well,no need to apologize dalam blog ek. u can call me or even text me. hmmm2...apakah kebodohan ko wahai mangkok man? anyway,let me tell u. aku bukan la bagus sgt or what.tapi the mistakes we did, bukan leh patah balik kan. 'if' hah mangk0k man, i can get back together with 'her', aku akan kawan ng k0 like before. yeah..mangk0k && pinggan jd kawan blk. 0k2..wtever..xpenting. aku dah maafkan k0 but yet still mad ab0ut that 0ur 0ld times.hmmm..

hey,,y credit to anissa? amboi hah. kenapa x credit kat aku??hahha..but pape p0n, i think wtever anissa said is true. so,leave with's only a matter of time. i'll move on w0rries.

'but in the mean time just appreciate and be thankful of what you have...'
u see that quotes..who gave u?? erm..btol la.learn to love what u have. bukannya try to get what u l0ve. salah dh 2. as u said, 'if she is meant to be urs, she will be urs.' sekarang, eventh0 'she' tgh single,xsemestinya u guys are g0nna be together.oh aku merepek ni??

ok now...perfect???hmm..i didn't ask u to be perfect. but i'm very sory.i just wanna be like before.since aku nk balik malaysia dh weyh. wanna meet 'her' yeah.u manage for me.hahahaah..suka ati je. xkesah la.

dah more post about me,pinggan or so wtever ok.thx..

p/s::eventho aku marah cmne p0n,you are still my friend ok :-)